Final Semester

Aside from the drama last week, it was a pretty awesome time getting back into the swing of things. I’ve mentioned to a few people how surreal it feels to be in the last semester of school EVER! There are no words to describe the overwhelming feeling of trying to cram everything into 3 months. I have to clep 2 classes, finish 5 other classes, and make the most of my time with my friends before everything changes… it’s bittersweet. Leaving and moving on is exciting and relieving. (God knows I couldn’t do one more semester of papers and studying.) But the sad part… and yes somewhat mushy… is that another chapter of my life is almost over. Things WILL change after this semester. There are some people I will never talk to again after graduation… not intentionally… just the fact of life.

So my struggle now is mourning my friendships before I’ve lost them. That tends to freak people out, because all of a sudden I’m now extrovert Aris who wants to spend all of my time with everyone. Truth is, I am that way usually… the sad part about the whole thing is that despite my best efforts, I have enveloped myself in my studies… and have withdrawn from my usual personality. A surprise for my friends, I suppose.

Anyway, I have just gotten back from my best weekend EVER. I left at 3:00 AM friday, to drive to CO Springs where I met up with my dad and we drove to Wolf Creek. ( Only the BEST place to ski in the WORLD I’m sure.) While everyone else has around 50 to 70 inches at base, Wolf Creek has 140 inches!!!!! I know, AMAZING. My dad and I had a great time, we did 40 runs in three days… and needless to say, I am SORE beyond all get out! But it was a great time. Really got some time to think about life and stuff whilst screaming down the mountain.

Today, I have a TON of stuff to do! I have to clean my room and go purchase RIDICULOUSLY priced books from the CCU book store. If you could only see my room, it looks as though a tornado hit it! four times.

So I may be back on here for an update…

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